Friday, 14 December 2012

Drunk teen set on fire, filmed at house party

            On Friday night (December 7th) a disturbing incident occurred at a house party in Kelowna, B.C. An 18-year-old party attendant somehow managed to pass out on the kitchen floor of the party house due to either an overdose of drugs or the consumption of too much alcohol for his body to handle (or both); the exact reason for his pass-out is not released. Some time after the man was passed out, 20-year-old Matthew Sweet-grant and 18-year-old Joshua Mcwhirter thought that lighting the man on fire would be a hilarious prank and would add to the party excitement. The two criminals poured some sort of liquid accelerant on the passed-out man and afterwards lit it on fire which caused his whole back to combust. This incident resulted in the victim receiving second and third-degree burns all over his back and his condition in the hospital is summarized as “very serious injuries”, and for the two men that lit him on fire, they are both charged with aggravated assault.
            This story was truly horrifying to read about, it’s hard to hear that fellow partyers would do something like this to a completely defenseless man who clearly has to many intoxicants in his system. The most surprising part is that usually a party consists of mostly friends and people that one at least slightly knows so it’s hard to believe that no one tried to stop this incident from occurring and some person even managed to film the combustion occurring on the victim!

Jackie Sharkey CBC News Posted: Dec 13, 2012 8:57 AM PT

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